The Mighty Ichosians
Guardians of Rap and Masters of Rhyme!
Though different in style and approach, these inhabitants share a common language-the language of rhythm and rhyme!
Meet The Ichosians!
King Titus
King Titus is the ruler of Mount Ichos and mightier than all of the inhabitants of Ichosia.
Meet The Titans
Lyraclese is the youngest of the two titan brothers and believes to battle rap you must possess lyrical skills to make Dunamis appear.
Barcelacus is the elder of the two titan victors. He believes that a human rapper must have powerful bars to make Dunamis appear.
Lord of the Seas, whose ancestor dwelt among humans as an outcast before returning to Mount Ichos to restore balance. Lord Floseidon must discover the next human adversary to restore his lineage to its proper place in Ichosian history.
He is the keeper of the annals of the Raptinomachy. Countus has an affinity for old school rap, and he will stop at nothing to keep old school rap alive.
Verbiage is part human and part Ichosian and King Titus's illegitimate son who has come to Mount Ichos to seek revenge against his father.
Newt is the best friend of Hip. More human than Ichosians with unique cloaking abilities.
Ze'Alah is King Titus's daughter. She has superior combat, rapping, and DJ'ing abilities to any other human on the planet.
Hip is a mischievous Ichoshian who desires to compete in the Ichos Arena one day like his mentor Barcelacus.
Detective Key is a self absorbed detective who is on a mission to find missing rappers from his city.